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The Spruce Initiative
One piece a day sends the rubbish away!
Don't just clean let's spruce!


The Spruce Initiative provides free and equal access to all information pertaining to our mission to clean up the planet one piece of rubbish, one day at a time and to plant one tree a year.

The Spruce Initiative does not discriminate based on race, creed or politics.

The Spruce Initiative does not discriminate based on gender.

The Spruce Initiative is not affiliated with any political organisation.

The Spruce Initiative is non-denominational.

The Spruce Initiative seeks to give a fair and unbiased voice to all members.

All members of the Spruce Initiative are considered equal and are to treat each other with respect at all times.

Members of the Spruce Initiative respect the environment.

Members of the Spruce Initiative respect wildlife.

Clean and green is our motto.  Remember: one piece a day sends the rubbish away!  Don’t just clean let’s Spruce. 
