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The Spruce Initiative
One piece a day sends the rubbish away!
Don't just clean let's spruce!
Newsletters > July 2022 Security and The Spruce Initiative
July 2022 Security and The Spruce Initiative

Jul 5, 2022

July 13, 2022

Just a quick note to begin: in these uncertain times it is wise to use washable gloves or hand sanitiser when picking up rubbish. Always wash your hands with soap and water when you reach your destination. Remember please don’t pick up masks or other dangerous items such as tissues. Please check the caution button on the Spruce site for more details,

Friends, again it has been some time since we sent a newsletter. What we have noticed since COVID hit is a decline in our neighbourhood. We think this may be a common problem. Littering is more prevalent and areas where there has been flooding look more run down. This brings us to the topic of this month’s newsletter:security.

Have you ever noticed in areas that look run down and are littered with rubbish are not perceived as being safe. No one likes to wade through rubbish. It isn’t a pleasant experience We think most people feel on edge when they walk through a neighbourhood where there is a build up of rubbish. When there is a lot of rubbish people don’t tend to want to pick it up.

if the place looks a mess it becomes neglected. Property prices go down and a rough crowd moves in. No one is prepared to clean up the rubbish as the problem is overwhelming. The place becomes a “bad” neighbourhood. The place becomes insecure.

In contrast places which are kept clean and tidy feel secure and are much more likely to be well maintained. With these places the occasional piece of rubbish looks out of place. When rubbish looks out of place people tend to pick it up and dispose of it. One or two pieces of rubbish on a pavement, in a park or on the beach look out of place and so we pick them up. It is no effort and we are rewarded with a pristine environment.

Notice yourself next time if you are in a clean neighbourhood that any rubbish looks out of place and consider picking it up. Clean neighbourhoods tend to stay clean because rubbish looks out of place.The rubbish problem becomes self correcting.

If you live in a neighbourhood that has an overwhelming amount of rubbish there are actions you can take. Be proactive. Notify your local council and ask for a professional cleaning crew, Organise a cleaning bee, Contactb Clean Up the World or Clean Up Australia if you are down under, Don’t become disenfranchised from your community,

You wouldn’t leave rubbish in your living room so take steps to clean uo the rubbish in your community, When you are out on your daily walk pick up just one piece of rubbish and dispose of it appropriately. If people see you picking up rubbish tell them about The Spruce Initiative and maybe they will pick up a piece of rubbish as well, Ask a friend or two to come with you on your daily walk and each pick up a piece of rubbish. It can seem like a daunting task but you have options even as an individual,

If you pick up just one piece of rubbish a day that amounts to 365 pieces in a year or a number of big bags per individual. When multiplied by many people it amounts to a lot of rubbish. it can turn your neighbourhood from an insecure neighbourhood into a safe one that people care for, Do show people you care for where you live, Every piece helps,

Clean and green is our motto.  Remember: one piece a day sends the rubbish away!  Don’t just clean let’s Spruce. 
