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The Spruce Initiative
One piece a day sends the rubbish away!
Don't just clean let's spruce!
Newsletters > September 2023 Clean Up the World Weekend
September 2023 Clean Up the World Weekend

Oct 12, 2023

This month at The Soruce Initiative we support Clean Up the Wirld Weekend which took place during the third weekend in September. Clean Up the World Weekend is celebrated by individual communities cleaning up local places and spaces.

Clean Up the World Weekend is a cleaning bee strategy where a group of people set out to clean their local environment. Using this strategy a lot of rubbish can be picked up in a short period of time. This is particularly helpful where rubbish has accumulated.

At the Spruce Initiative we employ a different strategy. We advocate picking up one piece of rubbish a day when you are out on your daily walk. This strategy is particularly helpful in preventing the accumulation of rubbish because rubbish is picked up everyday. It is most effective in environments which are already for the most part clean.

If your environment has accumulated rubbish don’t wait for Clean Up the World Weekend to address the problem. Organise a cleaning bee or professional cleaning help to tackle the problem. Environments where rubbish has accumulated need a concentrated effort to clean them up. Of course Clean Up the World Weekend helps in more ways than one.

Both the Spruce Initiative and Clean Up the World Weekend raise awareness of the environment and engage people to become caretakers of the environment.

Awareness of our built and natural environments leads to good citizenship of those environments and leads to greater cooperation between people. It is a first step on the journey to becoming a citizen of a wider world.

Whichever path you choose you are helping keep our environment clean. No doubt many people will adopt both strategies and we encourage this. Be seen to make a difference. The example you set encourages others to do likewise.

I remember the first time I saw a professor pick up a coffee cup that had been left behind by a student. I had never seen anybody do that before and ithat one thoughtful action has changed my life and my whole way of being in the world. It is a choice to become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

Certainly accumulated rubbish can be overwhelming so do arrange a cleaning bee and enlist the help of your friends, family and neighbours. However, don’t forget the power of an individual commitment to making a difference one piece of rubbish, one day at a time. And do consider giving back to the Earth by the annual planting of a tree.

Clean and Green is our motto. Remember one piece a day sends the rubbish away. Don’t just clean: let’s Spruce.


Clean and green is our motto.  Remember: one piece a day sends the rubbish away!  Don’t just clean let’s Spruce. 
