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The Spruce Initiative
One piece a day sends the rubbish away!
Don't just clean let's spruce!
Newsletters > November 2023 Sprucing Communities
November 2023 Sprucing Communities

Nov 21, 2023

Did you know you can join the Spuce Initiative as a community as well as an individual? At the Spruce Initiative we encourage communities to join in our practise. We offer a valuable networking opportunity for like minded community groups to present themselves.

Both individual and community members agree to the practise of picking up one piece of rubbish a day per individual when they are out on their daily walk and to planting a tree annually each. Community groups who join the Spruce Initiative advocate for community members to follow our practise.

Of couse if you are a member of a community group which practises with the Spruce Initiative you may wish to organise cleaning bees in your area. These are a good way to clean the environment quickly. The Spruce Initiative and cleaning bees go hand in hand.

People who are members of Sprucing communities may choose to go on their daily walks together. It can be fun to have company on your daily walk. Members of Sprucing communities may also walk their dogs together. Being part of a Sprucing community helps you to stay motivated. Practising with a Sprucing community helps you stay focused.

Having another Spruce buddy to walk with can keep you motivated. The more motivated you are to clean your area the faster it gets to reach that level where Sprucing becomes a self righting strategy. By that we mean that the environment stays clean all the time. Many hands have the power to make a huge difference. Once you get over the activation energy when enough people are prepared to do their share the environment stays clean all the time. In fact this is the only way the environment will stay clean all the time.

Of course cleaning bees clean up rubbish quickly. However if you wish to keep your area clean all the time, practising with the Spruce Initiative is the best way to achieve this goal. And we don’t just stop there.

Every year in the Christian tradition, which is our personal heritage, we celebrate Christmas for twelve days. January 5th is the traditional day for taking down Christmas decorations or the day you clean up after the solstice holidays ready to start the New Year. We would like to see International Spruce Day become a new interfaith holiday. Saving our planet is something we are sure we can all agree on.

Reflecting on our tradition lead us to think what if instead of throwing the Christmas tree on the rubbish heap what if we planted it instead! Alternatively how about celebrating the solstice festivities by planting a tree? This spruces up the environment, gives back to Nature and is a symbol of new life. It is something we all need and benefits life on the planet. At the Spruce Initiative we celebrate cyclic time.

Trees are so important to our lives on the planet. They provide oxygen and purify the air. They provide habitat for wildlife and they frequently provide food. They provide wood for houses and furniture and paper for its many uses. They provide shade in gardens and in the city. A tree is a symbol of life. And trees make for a beautiful environment.

Whatever your community group, when you practise with the Spruce Initiative you become custodians of a clean and healthy environment. You become proactive and you beautify that environment whether it be the city, the forest or the wilderness. As a community why not plant a grove of trees on International Spruce Day?

Do join up and take advantage of the networking opportunity on our site. We see ourselves as a green networking hub joining like minded individuals and communities.

Remember one piece a day sends the rubbish away. And what comes next? We Spruce. Clean and green is our strategy.


Clean and green is our motto.  Remember: one piece a day sends the rubbish away!  Don’t just clean let’s Spruce. 
