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The Spruce Initiative
One piece a day sends the rubbish away!
Don't just clean let's spruce!
Newsletters > January 2024 New Beginnings
January 2024 New Beginnings

Jan 2, 2024

We hope you had a happy holiday season and were able to plant a tree for International Spruce Day. We are very pleased to report that we planted a grove of trees in Canada with OneTreePlanted.

Wether you planted one tree or many trees you are giving a gift of life to the planet. Just do what you can. One of the most significant impacts that planting trees in wilderness areas has is that it restores wildlife habitat,

Logging native forests destroys wildlife habitat and we need to replace what we have taken. We would like to see where ever there is logging there is tree planting as well. It takes time for trees to grow. However if we don’t plant new trees it never happens.

Why not begin the New Year with the gift of life to the planet by planting a tree. Think of the many ways we use wood. We use wood to build houses and other buildings. We also use wood to make items of furniture for our homes. We use wood to make Earth friendly utensils and paper. Wood has many benefits.

In colder climates we burn wood in fireplaces to warm our homes in winter. For all these uses we need wood. And it is important that we restore what we take. If everyone planted just one tree a year on International Spruce Day we would have enough trees to keep our environment safe.

We celebrate the holidays, reflect on the past year and then we make way for the year ahead and plant a tree. That way we celebrate the passing of the seasons and the cycle of life. We Spruce.

We all like to leave the world a better place than we found it whatever our reason. We may wish to leave the place better for future generations. We may wish to leave the place better for wildlife. We may wish to leave the planet more beautiful place for our own enjoyment or for the sake of the environment. Whatever your reason to plant a tree by planting a tree with us on International Spruce Day you make the planet a more sustainable liveable place.

By planting a tree at the close of one year and the beginning of the next you make it your intention to Spruce. You set a precedent for right action. You continue your right action every day by committing to pick up one piece of rubbish on your daily walk.

Of course many people pick up more than one piece of rubbish. However there is a realisation that a single person can’t clean up the world’s rubbish alone. Even when you are doing good deeds it is necessary to find a resting place. We challenge you to make a commitment to pick up one piece of rubbish every day and see what happens. We think you are in for some surprises. And plant one tree a year.

If you commit to just doing the one kind thing you become part of the solution rather than part of the problem. This is a self righting and sustainable strategy. It doesn’t seem like a lot to do. It isn’t. In fact picking up one piece of rubbish while you are out on your daily walk takes no additional time out of your day. You get multiple benefifits. The planet stays clean. You take care of your community and you get your daily exercise for a start. It is a manageable commitment. Every year renew your commitment to your community and the environment and by planting a tree. This completes the cycle of caring.

Even if you didn’t keep your commitment during the past year every day is an opportunity to make a fresh start. You can take it a day and a year at a time. Why not join our green networking hub and make a stand for our environment.

Clean and green is our motto. Remember one piece a day sends the rubbish away. Don’t just clean, let’s Spruce.


Clean and green is our motto.  Remember: one piece a day sends the rubbish away!  Don’t just clean let’s Spruce. 
