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February 2024 Passing It On
February 2024 Passing It On
Feb 4, 2024
Do you enjoy following the Spruce Initiative in picking up a piece of rubbish every day when you are out on your daily walk and by planting one tree a year for International Spruce Day?
By practising with the Spruce Initiative you lead by example. People notice you picking up rubbish and they decide to do likewise. Sometimes people say they have never seen anybody pick up rubbish before. This is a good opportunity to promote the Spruce Initiative and pass on the message.
Maybe you have a family. If you have children teach them to be good citizens and stewards of the environment by following the Spruce Initiative. You can spread the message of the Spruce Initiative to friends and community groups. Why not join as a community member and join our networking hub.
If you practise with the Spruce Initiative we encourage you to join our initiative and participate in our green network hub. It is free to join . It is a good way to network with like minded individuals and communities. Picking up one piece of rubbish when you are out for your daily walk is something we all should do. It is about being a good citizen.
Take a stand with us for the environment. Join like minded people in making our environment a cleaner, greener place. When you join the Spruce Initiative networking hub we all win. Your message and the Spruce message are both passed on
We encourage you to pass the Spruce message on to community groups of which you are a member. We also encourage you to take a daily walk with friends or children. Set a good example for young people.
If you pass on the lesson you have learned you may be responsible for changing a life not to mention mention cleaning and greening the environment.
This Valentine’s Day give a valentine to the environment by going for a walk with your sweetie and picking up a piece of rubbish and disposing of it appropriately.
Remember clean and green is our motto. Remember one piece a day sends the rubbish away. Don’t just clean, let’s Spruce!
Cheers, Felicity
Clean and green is our motto. Remember: one piece a day sends the rubbish away! Don’t just clean let’s Spruce.