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The Spruce Initiative
One piece a day sends the rubbish away!
Don't just clean let's spruce!
Newsletters > March 2024 Enjoying the Outdoors
March 2024 Enjoying the Outdoors

Mar 3, 2024

This month at the Spruce Initiative we celebrate giving one hour to the planet by switching off our lights for 60 minutes at 8:30 pm on Saturday March 24 local time which is Earth Hour. In addition to switching off the lights for one hour to show solidarity with th Earth movement we are challenged to enjoy the out of doors by walking, cycling, swimming or jogging for 60 minutes a day during March.

At the Spruce Initiative we suggest while you are spending 60 minutes enjoying nature, you consider practising with the Spruce Initiative. Why not take the opportunity to pick up one piece of rubbish while you are out enjoying nature? Every bit makes a difference. It takes no additional time out of your day and every piece helps.

Sign up on our website and be counted. Show your solidarity for a healthy environment. We ask practitioners to commit to picking up one piece of rubbish a day while they are out on their daily walk and to planting one tree a year in celebration of International Spruce Day, January 5 each year.

Almost everyone is aware that moderate exercise is good for your health. Even if you don’t choose to take the Earth Hour 60 minutes in nature challenge, time spent walking and practising the Spruce Initiative every day is good for your health and the health of the planet.

The Spruce Initiative is good for your health in a number of ways. It trains your awareness of your surroundings and leads to reflection on the environment. Training your awareness is good for your mental health. In addition it trains you to keep your commitments. The exercise you take while practising the Spruce Initiative is good for your physical health.

Signing up to become part of the Spruce Initiative family is a fabulous networking opportunity. Joining up with like minded individuals and communities is good for your emotional health and an opportunity to socialise and share ideas.

Personally I try to walk for 30 minutes a day and pick up a piece of rubbish everyday. I purchase at least one tree every year in addition to purchasing carbon offsets for the year.

Being prepared to pick up one piece of rubbish everyday and giving back to the planet by planting trees and wild life habitat is part of being a responsible citizen. It also leads ho enjoyment of the out of doors as a clean and green environment is a beautiful environment.

There is no charge to join the Spruce Initiative. Why not join today? Have a good month. Get out of doors and enjoy nature. Clean and green is our motto. Remember one piece a day sends the rubbish away. Don’t just clean: let’s Spruce!


Clean and green is our motto.  Remember: one piece a day sends the rubbish away!  Don’t just clean let’s Spruce. 
