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One piece a day sends the rubbish away!
Don't just clean let's spruce!
Newsletters > April 2024 Comments on the Earth Day Theme
April 2024 Comments on the Earth Day Theme

Mar 13, 2024

This month at the Spruce Initiative we examine the Earth Day 2024 theme Planet versus Plastics and how it affects our work at the Spruce Initiative.

Every day when I am out on my daily walk I notice about half of all rubbish on the streets is paper and most of the rest is plastic. While paper rubbish is unsightly it doesn’t pollute the environment and breaks down in land fill.

Plastic rubbish on the other hand either doesn’t breakdown in landfill or breaks down slowly releasing harmful micro plastics into the air and water. The main plastics that I find on the streets are sandwich bags, plastic wraps and coffee cup lids.

Fast food outlets are reducing plastIc usage which is good to see however increased paper usage will put additional strain on forests which we desperately need to combat air pollution and to support wildlife and biodiversity.

I was recently at a hospital where the cafe served all hot beverages in paper cups but used plastic lids. I either didn’t take the plastic lids or recycled them. Thank goodness we have stopped using styrofoa!

I noticed all of the cool drinks were in plastic or aluminium. These at least are recycled however we must remember that recycling releases pollution in the air and water. It doesn’t come without acost to the environment.

It is difficult to know what to advise people about packing lunches. Mostly lunch boxes and sandwich boxes are plastic. These plastics are used more than once and replace sandwich bags and plastic wrappers however they do end up in landfill eventually where they contribute to the on going pollution and landfill problems.

Hot meals purchased from restaurants and cafes are invariably packed in plastic containers which are thrown away and end up on the street or contribute to landfill or recycling pollution.

A lot of the talk around this year’s Earth Day theme is around fast fashion. I was surprised to learn that only 1% of clothing is recycled. This is surprising as all my clothing except what is damaged goes to goodwill. I try to purchase clothing that is primarily natural fibres however this is challenging on a budget. Occasionally I find clothing on the street and that mostly ends up in landfill.

About masks. According to a source on the web masks should be double bagged and thrown away in household waste. Masks often end up on the street and should only be picked up if wearing glove and washing hands thoroughly.

We encourage you to look for ways to cut down on the use of plastics in the home and at work. We encourage you to write to food and drink providers to use alternatives to plastic. I try to purchase milk and juice in cardboard recyclable containers. We encourage you to take your own containers to takeaway restaurants and shop from providers who use cardboard recyclable meal containers.

We encourage you to do what you can to help the planet win the fight of Planet versus Plastics. Every bit helps. Each and every action we use to cut down on plastic use and waste makes the planet a more healthy end beautiful environment. Clean and green is our motto. Remember one piece a day sends the rubbish away. Don’t just clean: let’s Spruce!


Clean and green is our motto.  Remember: one piece a day sends the rubbish away!  Don’t just clean let’s Spruce. 
