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The Spruce Initiative
One piece a day sends the rubbish away!
Don't just clean let's spruce!
Newsletters > January 2018 The Spruce Initiative is Back
January 2018 The Spruce Initiative is Back

Jan 5, 2018

The Spruce Initiative website went back up at the tail end of 2017. Just to let you know we are in the process of searching old records to see how much of the original site we can restore. We have lost our header and logo and quite a bit of the content but we are piecing together what we can.

The main thing is not to lose our original message. The Spruce Initiative is a daily walk practise. When you are out on your daily walk pick up just one piece of rubbish and dispose of it appropriately. This single small action when repeated by many individuals can have a huge positive effect on our living environment.

What we would like to stress is that The Spruce Initiative is a practise. It's not about getting it right. It's about practising. Some days you might not pick up a piece of rubbish at all. You just enjoy your walk and maybe there is no rubbish about. Other days you might get enthusiastic and pick up more than one piece of rubbish but that isn't the point. Every single bit helps and one small action when repeated many times by many individuals can change the face of the planet.

Practising The Spruce Initiative has lead to reflection on the environment and ideas to save resources and keep the environment safe for future generations. In one issue we examined the idea of serving TV dinners in recyclable glass containers that could be sterilised at the store.

Do you know how many TV dinners are sold in plastic and paper packaging that is just thrown away? We could save vast amounts of landfill and resources by making the packing for TV dinners fully recyclable. Like the old days where glass milk bottles were recycled.

Come to think of it maybe we should take a step back in time and return to recycling glass milk bottles and maybe doing the same with soft drink bottles and juice containers. The more we can move away from the use of plastics the lower the load on the environment will be.

Plastics are very convenient however they do place an enormous strain on the environment. Even recycling plastics places a huge strain on the environment with the toxic gases that are a byproduct of heating the plastics. Recycling plastic saves valuable resources but glass is much easier to recycle and if we look at the case of glass milk bottles they don't actually have to be melted down and reformed. They can simply be sterilised and used again.

This saves on energy as well as silica which is used to make glass. Glass breaks more easily than plastic and it is heavier to carry but it is a far superior material in terms of environmental impact than plastic.

Just think if all the meals on wheels meals were served in recyclable glass containers. What a saving on the environment that would be. And glass is much better in the microwave than plastic. There are no toxic fumes as can be the case when plastic is subject to high temperatures.

So one thing leads to another and we would like The Spruce Initiative to become a platform for expressing ideas about making the environment safer for future generations. Practise The Spruce Initiative and come to our site and tell us your thoughts on the environment.

We're sure when you start focusing on the environment lots of ideas will come to you about how to make the environment a safer place.

Remember our motto: One piece a day sends the rubbish away! Don't just clean: let's Spruce!

Clean and green is our motto.  Remember: one piece a day sends the rubbish away!  Don’t just clean let’s Spruce. 
